Just some random thoughts today

Posts tagged ‘Too Rich’

How Many Houses Does McCain Have?

Apparently John  McCain doesn’t know how many houses he has.  Either he’s losing his memory or he’s just embarrassed to tell people that he’s so rich it simply doesn’t matter.

While our country is going down the drain and lots of voters are losing their shirts and houses, all McCain can do is complain that Obama is living in a 1.65 million dollar mansion he bought in 2005.

That mansion, a nice little home in the Chicago suburbs, is probably worth 1.2 million today. Like everyone else in this country, Obama took a nice loss on his home.

But McCain, who can’t even recall how many houses he has, nor doesn’t even care, has no concept of money.  These mega millionaires don’t even care, it’s all a game to them.  Do you think that McCain cares how many houses he has or even cares if you don’t have one anymore?